Saturday, 21 May 2011

Future Creations

G'day, fellow bloggers.......
Things have intact been pretty slow lately, considering the fact that we didn't have any Art class this week. None the less, I currently have my hands busy with an over due collage/painting. On top of this, I must balance off this art with all of the normal school work that we all endure.

What a life!

Anyway, expect to see some pictures of the collage and also pen drawings of the portrait. That's going to be interesting, seeing that I've never worked with ink before. Indeed it is going to be interesting. Just be patient.

Until then, fellow Bloggers......

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Early Bird, catches the Mango!!!!!!

Good Morning, fellow Bloggers............

I don't know about you, fellow bloggers, but I love to get up early in the morning, and just enjoy the peace and stillness of the morning, it makes life worth living and also, it makes art, worth doing. So let's get to it!

I stayed up late last night night to finish my mango, yes that is the same mango that i talked about, that I would be posting a picture very soon. And without further adieu, here it is:

Pretty cool, right? Now normally I am a very humble person, but I must say, that this is by far, one of the best pieces that I have ever done!

As you can see it is lacking the atmosphere and shadow, and the reason that I have not yet included them is because, I am afraid that I would mess it up and I would have to strangle myself to death!

So I just wanted to show you guys it, before I possible ruin it and commit suicide. All right I probable would not commit suicide, but I'll Be pretty mad with myself, if I ruin it.

I am very proud of my creation and I am really thinking about art in Form 4, Seriously.

So keep following my fellow bloggers, to see if I do a good atmosphere or if I kill myself!!

Until then, fellow Bloggers..............

Light, Cameras, and Pastels!!!!!!!!!

G'day fellow Bloggers,

Indeed it is a good day, its Friday 13th May, a Black Friday, normally you should be scared and grim on a black Friday, but still, today I am one happy, carefree soul. And the reason as to why I am so elated you ask? It is because it is the first time that we have ever used oil pastels in class!
We were to use oil pastels to draw and create the "still life" in this case, the still life is a fruit, not unlike before. Again I am utilizing the simplicity and beauty of the mango, in order to show you  the epic transition from the black and white of the pencils, into the rich and vibrant colors of pastel.
And as always the theory, comes before the fun:

1) There are two types of Pastels
  • Chalk and
  • Oil 
2) The best surface for working with pastels, is one that is slightly rough, so that the color particles are captured and the colors blend properly.
Examples of surfaces commonly used when working with pastels are:
  • Pastel Paper
  • Any paper with a texture
  • Initially cold pressed watercolor paper
  • Velor - a velvety surface.
3) Oil Pastels can also be blended by using artist turpentine

4) Texture can be achieved by scraping and grazing the Pastels.

The first step that I learnt in doing the drawing of the mango is to create a COLOR CHART.
The Color Chart is a  primary representation of all of the colors seen in the fruit of your choice and it is done on the bottom left-hand side of the paper. This acts as a guide to the color that will be used n the fruit. Three blocks of colors should be suffice. Always keep in mind to do the wrapping, as mentioned in a previous post.
See the lesson on wrapping;

Blending is mixing two or more colors to create the color of your desire. You are only allowed to use the three primary colors (yellow, red and blue) and black for tinting and white for bleaching. Always start with the lightest color first! Then continue with the second and rotate the application of the colors to create the gradient that you want.

Example; If i wanted a light green, I would put a base coat of yellow, then a thin layer of blue, Having worked with pastels, I know the power of blue, so for light colors, always use the blue sparingly. Lasting you would want to work over the blue, to even the tone and create a bright and uniformed finish.

This is a flurry of colors that surrounds the object of the drawing and adds mood to the drawing.

 It was very interesting to work with the pastels as they reminded me very muck of crayons, very expensive artist crayons!. Anyway the class was very fun and informative, but it was discontinued due to lack of time and we were asked to complete the drawings at home.

I must apologize to you my fellow bloggers, as I have no pictures to post of the "pastelised" mango at the current moment, but I shall get back to you on that as immediately as possible. 

Until then, fellow Bloggers...............

A Slow Day

 G'day, fellow bloggers......
This was one of the slowest days of Art Class. The reason being was that I got Total on my Mango drawing that I posted earlier, and in my Total mark, I didn't have any corrections to make.
In order to keep me occupied, Miss told me to pick a branch from a near-by bush and to draw it, but other than that, is was a pretty event-less day; nothing to be learnt.
I had a reasonably peaceful time drawing it and it turned out to be pretty good:

It's still in a working progress but it is really amazing to see how raw piece of art transforms into a masterpiece. Hopefully I would be able to post a completed version of the leaf, some time in the future.

 Until then, fellow Bloggers................